moroccan rug RSS

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Example of a Berber rug, amongst the most popular and highly collected Moroccan rugs . Rugs displayed on the streets of Marrakech and Fez Souks Morocco The traditional craft of rug-making dates back to the early berber era, yet, as in any other part of the world, has also seen changes. The various techniques and materials used in making these rugs have undergone many changes over the years, which have led to the improvement in quality. The latest models of Berber rugs are durable and attractive. They exhibit high weaving quality. They are made from 100% natural fibers, with no chemical...

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azilal rug, beni ourain morocco, beni ourain rug, beni ourain rugs, beniourain rugs, berber carpet, berber carpets, berber rug, berber rugs, boucherouite rug, boucherouite rugs, boujaad rug, handcrafted pillow, handmade pillow, History of moroccan berber rugs, How moroccan rugs are made?, living room rug, moroccan azilal rugs, moroccan berber carpets, moroccan decor, moroccan decor rug, Moroccan living room rugs, moroccan rug, moroccan rug australia, moroccan rug cheap, Moroccan rug decor, moroccan rug made, moroccan rug uk, moroccan rug usa, moroccan rugs, Moroccan rugs San Francisco, moroccan rugs australia, moroccan rugs Newyork, moroccan rugs offer, moroccan rugs usa, moroccan wedding blanket, rug marrakeck, rugs from morocco, The History of Moroccan Rugs, tribal rugs, vintage moroccan rug, vintage moroccan rugs, wool moroccan rug -

Unlike Berber rugs which are woven tightly, these are flat woven rugs. They have no twist or knot. Instead, a long, yarn-like wool run across the entire width of the rug. These two kinds of rugs are produced in the fertile fields of the Middle Atlas Mountains. On the Beni Ourain rugs, mainly black and white, the designs are very ornately depicted and finely symmetrical.The best characteristic of these rugs is that they can be used for almost every room in your house. They are available in different shapes, sizes and designs, but mostly the same shape. For example, Beni Ourain rugs have a...

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azilal rug, beni ourain morocco, beni ourain rug, beni ourain rugs, beniourain rugs, berber carpet, berber carpets, berber rug, berber rugs, boucherouite rug, boucherouite rugs, boujaad rug, handcrafted pillow, handmade pillow, History of moroccan berber rugs, How moroccan rugs are made?, living room rug, moroccan azilal rugs, moroccan berber carpets, moroccan decor, moroccan decor rug, Moroccan living room rugs, moroccan ottoman, moroccan pillow, moroccan pillows, moroccan pouf, moroccan rug, moroccan rug australia, moroccan rug cheap, Moroccan rug decor, moroccan rug made, moroccan rug uk, moroccan rug usa, moroccan rugs, Moroccan rugs San Francisco, moroccan rugs australia, moroccan rugs Newyork, moroccan rugs offer, moroccan rugs usa, moroccan wedding blanket, pillows, rug marrakeck, rugs from morocco, The History of Moroccan Rugs, tribal rugs, vintage moroccan rug, vintage moroccan rugs, vintage pillow, vintage pillows, wool moroccan rug -

You may have heard that Moroccan rugs differ in style, but do you know why? The fact is, all real Moroccan rugs are Berber rugs . They're made by the Berber ethnic group of Morocco. Historically, they were originally made for utilitarian purposes and are used that way today. However, the styles may vary greatly depending on where the tribes originally lived.Traditionally, moroccan rugs were crafted from natural dyes harvested from the wool of sheep. The wool was gathered from the underbelly, sides and tail of the sheep and then processed to make them softer. This processing occurred during the hot,...

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azilal rug, beni ourain morocco, beni ourain rug, beni ourain rugs, beniourain rugs, berber carpet, berber carpets, berber rug, berber rugs, boucherouite rug, boucherouite rugs, boujaad rug, handcrafted pillow, handmade pillow, History of moroccan berber rugs, How moroccan rugs are made?, living room rug, moroccan azilal rugs, moroccan berber carpets, moroccan decor, moroccan decor rug, Moroccan living room rugs, moroccan ottoman, moroccan pillow, moroccan pillows, moroccan pouf, moroccan rug, moroccan rug australia, moroccan rug cheap, Moroccan rug decor, moroccan rug made, moroccan rug uk, moroccan rug usa, moroccan rugs, Moroccan rugs San Francisco, moroccan rugs australia, moroccan rugs Newyork, moroccan rugs offer, moroccan rugs usa, moroccan wedding blanket, pillows, rug marrakeck, rugs from morocco, The History of Moroccan Rugs, tribal rugs, vintage moroccan rug, vintage moroccan rugs, vintage pillow, vintage pillows, wool moroccan rug -

The intricate art of handmade rugs was a big part of the Berber society, whose origins dated back to un Memorable times, before history was even known. When comparing the early designs of Berber rugs with those of the first expressions of man, the similarities are quite remarkable. In fact, they are often used as an inspiration for modern rug design. The unique features of this type of rugs gave them an amazing sense of craftsmanship, which is why they were so commonly used as handicrafts.  Although, these rugs are found on the floors of Moroccan homes, they are more common...

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azilal rug, beni ourain morocco, beni ourain rug, beni ourain rugs, beniourain rugs, berber carpet, berber carpets, berber rug, berber rugs, boucherouite rug, boucherouite rugs, boujaad rug, handcrafted pillow, handmade pillow, History of moroccan berber rugs, How moroccan rugs are made?, living room rug, moroccan azilal rugs, moroccan berber carpets, moroccan decor, moroccan decor rug, Moroccan living room rugs, moroccan ottoman, moroccan pillow, moroccan pillows, moroccan pouf, moroccan rug, moroccan rug australia, moroccan rug cheap, Moroccan rug decor, moroccan rug made, moroccan rug uk, moroccan rug usa, moroccan rugs, Moroccan rugs San Francisco, moroccan rugs australia, moroccan rugs Newyork, moroccan rugs offer, moroccan rugs usa, moroccan wedding blanket, pillows, rug marrakeck, rugs from morocco, The History of Moroccan Rugs, tribal rugs, vintage moroccan rug, vintage moroccan rugs, vintage pillow, vintage pillows, wool moroccan rug -

Embellishing your home with a distinctive Moroccan rug adds a welcoming touch to any room, giving it that perfect touch of color or warmth. Known for their unique, soft, and smooth texture, Moroccan rugs also lend an authentic cultural element, immediately bringing a sense of uniqueness and culture into a room. Rugs have long been used in interior design to add a distinctive touch, but few people are aware that they can be used for much more than floor covering. The unique look and feel of a colorful moroccan rug is mainly due to its intricate weaving patterns, and the...

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